Night Al Migrations: Japanese Tea Garden


Louis and I recently visited the Japanese Tea Garden in San Antonio, which is something I’ve been wanting to do since we moved here. It has been here since the late 1800s first serving as a limestone quarry and eventually transforming into the beautiful garden it is today.

The entrance sign was changed to read “Chinese Tea Garden” during WWII due to the stigma against Japanese Americans at the time and was never changed back.

We were driving around exploring one Friday afternoon and conveniently wound up right by the Japanese Tea Garden. We parked by the San Antonio Zoo and strolled over to be greeted by beautiful stone structures and a winding vertical path leading to the garden.



At the top of the hill sits a tea room and café: The Jingu House. We followed the path up to see what laid on the other side of the tea room.


We weren’t expecting much, but I can honestly say the view took our breath away. At the top of the hill, the quarry opens up to a massive yet intimate area surrounding bridges, trails, waterfalls, and koi ponds. All I kept repeating was that it felt like a hidden oasis.


We climbed down from the top of the hill and found a shaded stone bench to enjoy the breeze and the view. It would have been the perfect spot to relax with a good book.


This stunning gazebo shaded us as we relaxed in our secluded spot. The pictures cannot do the beauty of the architecture and surroundings justice.


Once we had our fill of the view, we decided to climb down further into the quarry and admire the trails and koi ponds up close.



The pathways wound up and down showing off the various plant life and offering several different viewpoints to admire the sunken garden. There were scalloped bridges, winding stone walkways, and limestone steps.



After we walked the entire perimeter of the tea garden, one pathway led us up to a walkway lined by a canopy of trees. It was a truly dreamy spot that felt like something out of a storybook. This long, shaded path actually led all the way down to the San Antonio Zoo.


I was in heaven.


Once Louis was able to drag me away from the tree canopy, we walked along a unique wooden bridge to a private gazebo overlooking the original stone chimney from the early 1900s. It was a quiet, relaxing spot.


After we ventured back to the main sunken garden, Louis purchased a sweet strawberry hibiscus tea from The Jingu House. It was one of many delicious looking tea combinations.


Our adventure to the Japanese Tea Garden was an unexpected surprise. The entire area is a beautiful oasis of plants, ponds, and pathways that really felt like an escape from the city. I’m thankful San Antonio has made a conscious effort to preserve such an exquisite spot. If you want to explore the Japanese Tea Garden you’ll be happy to know it’s free! Also, I would try to visit on a weekday afternoon like we did to avoid any crowds and experience the garden in a more relaxing manner. We can’t wait to return!

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High Five for Friday Part 2!

Happy Friday, friends! This week has gone by pretty quickly, and I’m excited for the weekend! There’s nothing I love more than having Louis home with me! Just wanted to stop in today to share 5 of my “highs” from the week!

1. This past weekend Louis and I went home for Easter to celebrate with our families. Last year, we stayed in San Antonio, so this year we wanted to head home. We got tons of quality family time and got to do tons of fun stuff, but the best part was just being together with everyone. Even though the weekend was packed with fun activities, one of my favorite times was late Sunday night. My dad popped homemade popcorn and got Sonic drinks for us, and my mom, sister, and I sat in the living room by the fire laughing and catching up. With Amy having Henry (and soon Hudson!) and me being in San Antonio, times like this are rare these days. It was great just to all be together!


2. Speaking of Easter, my parents had an Easter egg hunt for all the big kids, and Louis found the golden egg! Enclosed was a gift card to Chic-fil-a! Any night I don’t have to cook dinner is a win in my book, so I was psyched we got to use that for some delicious fri fri chicky chick this week.


3. This was actually last week, but I got a haircut! Woo! My hair has always been long, but it was getting a bit out of control. I decided to take a few inches off the length and add some face framing layers. Shout out to Nancy at Visible Changes in La Cantera. She was awesome, and I love my fresh, new look! I’m sure most people can’t even tell I got it cut, but to me, it’s a big improvement! Also, I’m sure you’re psyched I labeled the pictures below because you couldn’t tell that the picture with the shorter hair was after…

2 3

4. Another high this week was that my car passed inspection. You’re probably like, “Wow, Ali leads a super lame life if that was a highlight of her week.” Well, um, stop being so rude first of all. Secondly, I’m psyched because I was worried it wouldn’t pass! My Sunfire has been my buddy since my parents gifted it to me for my 16th birthday, so it’s been through a lot. Currently my windows, gas gauge, and speedometer don’t function…it is what it is. NOT funny story: last time I got my tires changed I asked the mechanics not to roll down my windows because they don’t roll back up. They chose to roll them down anyway, and I had to drive home with them down…in the rain. Because of that fun experience, I taped the note below over my power window buttons to ensure my windows would remain up. Thumbs up for Firestone though because they DIDN’T roll down my windows (not that I gave them much of a choice), and I only had to wait for 30 minutes for my inspection. Plus they had free wifi! Way to go Firestone. And way to go, Sunfire!!! We’re in it together for at least another year, baby!


5. I’ve been lusting after this GIGANTIC teal mason jar at Walmart for about a month, and I finally broke down and bought it this week. I think it was like $9, so it wasn’t a major investment, but I’m in love! It holds 32 oz like my Nalgene, and I find myself drinking even more water than usual, so yay for that! Also, the color is so fun! Perfect for summer.


Well, that’s my week in 5 quick moments! Hope you had an incredible week, and your weekend is off the charts! Apparently Fiesta is going on right now in San Antonio. It seems like it’s a big deal, but to me it just means to avoid the River Walk! Hah! Such a Debbie Downer. 😉

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Night Al Migrations: The Pearl


Howdy y’all! Remember me? Sorry…I’ve been MIA (no, not the singer/rapper M.I.A.) for a minute! Don’t fret. I’m back.

I wanted to share a pretty cool, new (to us) spot that hubbs and I explored a few weeks ago: The Pearl in San Antonio. We moved to San Antonio almost 2 years ago from our beloved Houston (where our families live) with the attitude that San Antonio would never be as good as our hometown. While that may still ring true, we recently decided to abandon our bitter attitude towards San Antonio and start exploring! I’m hoping as we venture throughout the city together, I can share our experiences here as Night Al Migrations. I’m sorry…I love a good theme, so I’m sticking with the bird idea here.


Our goal was to branch out from typical tourist spots like the River Walk and find other cool locations around the city. When we visited Bakery Lorraine for our anniversary, we drove through an area known as The Pearl. The Pearl is a grouping of restaurants, shops, and lofts in buildings that originally housed The Pearl Brewery. We recently made a trip there to enjoy lunch and browse around some of the stores.

1We arrived around one o’clock on a Friday afternoon and headed to The Granary for some BBQ. (Side note: I instagrammed the picture above and misspelled “Granary” in my caption. So embarrassing.) The Granary is located in a charming house from the 1800s and is covered with rich wood, unique lighting, and handwritten chalkboard menus. They also have a dog-friendly, wrap-around porch, which was a nice touch! We got our drinks first (glass bottle Coca Cola for me, house-made root beer for Lou) and waited a few minutes for our meal.

2We weren’t too intrigued by any of the sides, so we each got a chopped beef sandwich and 1/2 lb of beef brisket to split. The Granary is big on only serving humanely raised meat (humanely raised to be slaughtered for our lunch…contradictory?), and it showed in their prices! I can safely say though, that their chopped beef sandwich was one of the best I’ve ever tasted! It was on fresh baked  bread, and their BBQ sauce (which is a crucial component for me) was super tasty. However, the brisket was marbled with LOTS of fat, which we’re not fans of. I can’t recommend it if you prefer lean brisket.



Once we finished lunch, we decided to walk around and explore some of the boutiques and shops. One of the boutiques we went into was Leighelena, which contained a mixture of vintage boots and clothes, handmade jewelry and various gifts and decor. It was kind of like a vintage, western Urban Outfitters? They had a ton of unique pieces and some really beautiful jewelry.


Another favorite store of mine was The Tiny Finch. They had some of the most beautiful home decor unlike anything I’ve ever seen providing several one-of-a-kind pieces. We popped in a few other shops including Ten Thousand Villages (pictured below), which contained pieces from around the world created by various artisans. Each store we visited was distinctly different and offered special pieces you’re unlikely to find anywhere else.


In fact, The Pearl was so unique, I was kind of worried we weren’t hip enough to be there! Stupid, right? The Culinary Institute of America also has a campus at The Pearl, so, obviously, there is no shortage of adventurous (and pricey) restaurants. They have everything from an authentic Mexican street food ice house to a kosher vegetarian restaurant to a seafood and oyster bar. There’s something for everyone! Be warned though…most of the restaurants aren’t for picky eaters. Louis and I are pretty boring when it comes to food, and several of the restaurant menus require much more sophisticated palates. 😉 Like I said…we may not be hip enough for The Pearl…haha!


The Pearl has incredible lofts on site that would be a dream to live in! They are also in the process of renovating the historic brew house into a luxury boutique hotel. In addition to all this, they host a huge Farmer’s Market every weekend, which brings in tons of local vendors. I think The Pearl is on the brink of being really popular. I’m sure within the next couple of years once all of the storefronts are occupied and the construction and renovations are complete, the area will be booming. We had a great time exploring it, and I can’t wait to see how it grows in the future! If you’re a local, or you visit San Antonio, add The Pear to your itinerary for some unique food and shopping!


I hope you all have a wonderful weekend celebrating Easter, and I’ll be back next week with some more Beauty Blurbs and posts!

See you then!

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High Five for Friday!

Happy Friday everyone! I’m so excited to enjoy a weekend of movie dates and relaxation with my hubby! I just wanted to drop in and share five of my favorite things about the past week!

1. Fogo de Chao on the River Walk: The week leading up to our anniversary, Louis kept saying we could just grab dinner somewhere after he got off work, so I figured we would just have a chill night and not really do anything special. Then, he surprised me by taking a half day off work! When he got home, he had a dozen roses and a beautiful card with our plans written inside! I was so surprised and excited. Our first stop was Fogo de Chao on the River Walk. If you’ve never been to Fogo de Chao, you need to go ASAP. It is SO delicious! It’s a Brazilian restaurant where the waiters walk around with skewers of meat and slice off as much of each kind as you want. They also have an amazing salad bar and delicious sides. Seriously though, the meat is the star of the show. We were in carnivore heaven! There are something like fifteen different meats, and each one I sampled was juicy and delectable. After we were stuffed, we strolled along the River Walk enjoying the beautiful weather and each other.


2. Bakery Lorraine for Macarons: Louis’s anniversary plans continued with heading to a local bakery to get some macarons. I found out about Bakery Lorraine a while ago and have been wanting to go for months! It’s an adorable bakery in a converted house run by two amazing pastry chefs from California. We got half a dozen macarons to try in some fun flavors: Lemon, Grapefruit, Raspberry, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Buttermint, and Angel Food! I’m still on the fence about whether or not I like macarons though…the consistency was totally different than we were expecting! They were much denser and richer than I thought they’d be, but the flavors were so fun and inventive! Can’t wait to head back to Bakery Lorraine to try some of their other creations, soon! They make Poptarts in house that I have my eye on…(only I would go to a bakery and get a Poptart haha!)

23. Cards & Flowers: Our anniversary gift to each other was our February trip to Disneyland, but we always exchange cards for special occasions! We both picked out Papyrus cards because they’re the best, and we also received the sweetest anni cards from my family (thanks y’all! 🙂 ). Louis also surprised me with a beautiful bouquet of red roses because he’s sweet like that. I also have to give a shout out to my pink hydrangeas in the background that have been going strong for two weeks!


4. Charlie & Harry: I finally watched the Dancing with the Stars premiere, and the gold medal wining ice dancer, Charlie White is one of the “stars” (I feel like they use that term VERY loosely on that show). The entire episode I knew he reminded me of someone, and finally, it hit me! Charlie may be Harry from Dumb and Dumber. I mean…look at this comparison.


5. New High for Blog Views: This is probably a silly one, but I was really excited that I achieved a new “high” for views this week (on St. Paddy’s day!…guess it was my “lucky day?” Hardy har har…)! I know my stats are nowhere near as high as many other blogs, but it still makes me happy to know people are reading (and hopefully enjoying?) my posts!


I hope everyone’s week was wonderful and that the weekend is just as good!

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Two Years!

Two years ago today I became a Mrs. when I walked down the aisle and promised vows to the love of my life.

0I first had a crush on him in middle school. Many AIM chats and classroom talks later, we became high school sweethearts. We shared some amazing years at Texas A&M, and during our senior year there, he proposed.

1He is smart, funny, sweet, patient, caring, handsome, and wonderful. We are always laughing together, and even after all this time I’m still learning new things about him each day. He loves me so well, and I can’t imagine my life without him.

2I can hardly believe we’ve been together for almost eight years and married for two! Time has seriously flown by.

3This past year included living in San Antonio, spending over a month in Disney parks, and living in La Jolla for three months, but regardless of where we are, I’m happy when I’m with him. We’ve already shared so many memories and adventures, and I can’t wait to see what is to come!

4Happy Anniversary, Handsome! I love you!

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