Hi everyone! I hope you’re ready for Part 2 of my Lush Loot! In Part 1, I focused on the Bath Bombs I purchased. This loot will be about the Bubble Bars, Massage Bars, Bath Melt, and Face Mask I sampled. Let us begin.
The first Bubble Bar I sampled was appropriately named Dorothy, which claims to “take you far from the rain and grey clouds to somewhere over the rainbow where blue birds fly.” I can’t claim a few bubbles did that for me, but it was a pretty fun experience! You are supposed to crumble these bars under running water and swish them around to create tons of bubbles to enjoy! There were several bubbles, and my bath water turned a beautiful green-blue color that you can see peeking out of the bubbles above. It smelled good before I put it in the bath, but the smell quickly dissipated once it dissolved. I do wish there had been more bubbles that were longer lasting, but this was one of Lush’s smaller bars. I suppose I shouldn’t complain. JUST KIDDING. I can complain all I want…this is my blog after all. I’m annoyed that I didn’t get more bubbles for the price of what I could have spent on 3 bottles of Mr. Bubble at WalMart.
YUM! This Bubble Bar smelled like I was walking through an orange orchard or swimming in a pool of Simply Orange! This bubble bar was covered in bright orange swirls, smelled delicious, and was much larger than Dorothy. The Lush consultant suggested this bar be used for up to 4 baths, but I threw caution to the wind and chunked the whole thing in my bath! I’m sure glad I did because the huge bar gave me the mountains I bubbles I was hoping for when I paid way too much for it. The water turned a super fun orange color, and the smell stayed pretty strong even after the bar dissolved. I was so happy to find a product I liked and would buy again. OH WAIT. This was a limited time product for Easter! BOO! They have similar bars (The Comforter and Blue Skies & Fluffy White Clouds), but I have a terrible feeling it just won’t be the same. Why did I set myself up for sadness here?
Mange Too
Ok, I’m not going to lie. I mostly bought this because the consultant used it to massage my hands in the store, and it smelled super yummy and made my hands feel like silk. Her other selling point was that it is edible. Um, stop being gross random sales girl. Mange Too is one of Lush’s massage bars, but I purchased it because it can be used as a lotion/moisturizer as well. I’ve since used it on my hands, elbows, and legs. I really like it! It smells super delicious, but, no, I haven’t licked my hands after I put it on. Because I’m not a WEIRDO. Also, I’m not sure why Lush would name a moisturizing product Mange Too, considering mange is a skin disease caused by mites. Maybe not the best mental image to conjure for their massage bars? Oh well, obviously didn’t phase me.
Bath Melt
I’m not positive which bath melt this is, as it was a sample given to me by my Lush consultant, and I can’t find a comparable one on their website. She tried to sucker me into buying a bath melt, saying that their products only reach their full potential when they are all used together. She suggested using a bath bomb, bath melt, and bubble bar together in ONE bath. Ya, I’m going to spend over $30 on ONE BATH. I don’t think so. She threw in this sample though, probably convinced I would try it once and be hooked forever. Um, nope. It dissolved in my bath water and just sort of made it milky. My skin didn’t come out feeling butter soft and my world definitely wasn’t changed. I’ll never turn my nose up at a free sample, but this one didn’t do anything to excite me. Nice try, salesgirl.
The Sacred Truth
This little gem was also a sample given to me by my consultant. Once I looked it up online at home, I realized this particular Fresh Face Mask (The Sacred Truth) is for aging skin. Here is what the description says: “As you age, your dermis is thinning, losing its elasticity and ability to retain moisture, which can make the skin appear dull or sallow.” OUCH. Thanks a lot salesgirl. That bull ring nose piercing isn’t your best look, but you don’t see me throwing out advice at you. Regardless, I gave it a whirl, and I IMMEDIATELY LOOKED 10 YEARS YOUNGER. I’m kidding. I’m only 24…I dont’ think I need anti-aging products yet? DON’T correct me if I’m wrong. The face mask worked fine though. I did like that their Fresh Face Masks are “handmade with the finest essential oils, fresh fruits and veggies, deep cleansing clays, nutrient rich herbs…freshly squeezed juices, extracts, or whole fruits and vegetables.” They must be kept refrigerated, so they don’t spoil. This is also the reason they are only sold in stores and not online. I probably need to use this face mask a couple more times to give it a fair review, but overall, it made my skin feel fresh and rejuvenated, and it smelled clean and crisp.
Well, I suppose that’s it for my Lush Loot! I’ll be posting another one soon I’m sure! JOKING. While, I semi-enjoyed the products I purchased/received, I DON’T think most of them are worth the money. I’m sure Lush has to charge extra since they take pride in making products as fresh, organic, and chemical free as possible. However, I’m not super picky about that (so sue me), so I think in the future I’ll just buy some bubble bath from the kid’s section in WalMart. You think I’m joking?
I’ll save my trendy cravings for clothes or makeup. Feel free to try out these or other Lush products for yourself though, and let me know what you think!