If you’re anything like me, you’re spending lots of extra time at home these days. For us, that has thankfully led to more family game nights! I was thrilled when The Op Games offered to send me a new game to test out, and I thought you’d enjoy hearing about it as well!
Hues and Cues is a vibrant game of colorful communication where players are challenged to make connections to colors with words. Using only one and two-word cues, players try to get others to guess a specific hue from the 480 colors on the game board. The closer the guesses are to the target, the more points you earn. Since everyone imagines colors differently, connecting colors and clues has never been this much fun!

As you can see, the gradient board is simply beautiful; all of the colors are a feast for the eyes! As someone that loves color, I found it so fun to describe all of the different hues. It was so interesting to see how everyone’s mind works differently. For example, if I say “apple,” do you picture red? Green? Yellow? What about “rose?” Pink? Yellow? Red? You can see how this game leads to fun discussions about how everyone sees the world a little differently!
Hues and Cues is meant to be played with 3-10 players aged 8 and up. Each game takes around 30 minutes, so at only $24.99, it’s the perfect addition to your family game nights! It can be a risk and a challenge to get enough people together for game nights these days. The good thing, is you can totally play Hues and Cues over video chat!

Even though the recommended age is 8 and up, I think this game could still be fun for younger kids who are learning their colors. They could team up with an older player, so the whole family can play together. The word association may even help them learn new colors quicker!

Overall, Hues and Cues is beautiful, simple to learn, and fun to play. I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking to add a new rotation to their game night! Follow the link above if you want to order your own, and thank you again to The OP Games for this thoughtful treat!