Last weekend was AWESOME. Louis took off work Friday (and I quit, so my last day was Thursday lol), and we headed home Thursday night. We arrived late, but we still stayed up until the wee hours of the morning catching up and laughing!
Friday morning my mom had PT, so Louis and I enjoyed cinnamon rolls with my dad and watched a crazy rainstorm move in. Once my mom got home safely, we headed over to visit my favorite sister and favorite nephew! My dad picked us up some tacos for lunch, and we spent the afternoon laughing and playing.

Louis picked me up in the afternoon, and we drove to Huntsville to watch Louis’s little sister graduate from Sam with her education degree! We celebrated with Louis’s family and a yummy, late dinner at Texas Roadhouse. It was a rainy, stormy, fun day!
Saturday was probably my favorite day of the weekend! First we woke up and enjoyed bacon, fruit, and my dad’s yummy homemade pancakes.

After a delicious breakfast, we got ready and headed out for Henry’s 1st trip to the Zoo! It was a beautiful day, hardly any crowds, and SO much fun! I’ll let the pictures do the talking…

As if these pictures don’t show how much fun we had, I also shot a couple of videos while we were there! Henry is growing up so fast, I try to take little videos whenever I can. I want to remember each stage of his life forever!
The first video showcases Henry’s FIRST EVER CAROUSEL RIDE!!! He was so cute and waving to everyone as he passed by. I think he really loved it! Pretty sure that means he’s ready to visit a Disney park soon, right Amy & Trav? Also, my dad, my mom, AND I were all standing there taking videos and pictures the entire carousel ride…it was pretty obvious Henry’s the first grandson/nephew.
This video shows my mom (Lolli) and Henry playing around! My mom gets to see Henry super often, and you can totally tell he loves her so much!
After a great day at the zoo, we headed back to my parents’ house for homemade fajitas, Chuy’s dip, and guacamole. It was super delicious, and I’m pretty sure I ate myself into a food coma. After a short nap though, I woke up and enjoyed Hitchcock with my parents. If that movie is accurate, Alfred was one WEIRD dude. It was a good movie though. 🙂
Sunday morning, I woke up early with my dad to go get my mom donuts for breakfast in bed….our family tradition! I also gave my mom her Mother’s Day gift! She’s been redoing several rooms in their house to a sort of Pottery Barn look, so I gifted her with a mercury glass vase from there. I know everyone says this, but my mom is SERIOUSLY the best mom in the world. She deserves much more than one day to celebrate her because she is seriously incredible. I have learned so much from her, and I admire her for so many reasons.

After breakfast we relaxed and got ready before we met Amy, Travis, & Henry for lunch at Red Lobster (Amy’s pick!). I forgot to take pictures there, but I did capture precious Henry drinking some water from his Dad’s straw. Amy also snuck her gorgeous face into this video. Enjoy.
When lunch was over, we relaxed at Amy & Trav’s house for just a bit, and then Louis and I hit the road. The weekend went by WAY too fast…just like it always does when we visit home! It was so great to see my family though, and I can’t wait until we get to visit again!
1 Comment
Love the videos!! Such a fun weekend!