Nope. Not the funny SNL version…this is just my own Weekend Update. This weekend my dad had to go out of town for work, so Louis and I headed home to keep my mom company. Their mansion can get spooky at night, and she was a little scared to be home alone. I mean, she’s no Kevin McAllister.
I picked Louis up from work on Friday, and we began the long treck back to Houston. We arrived to a delicious snack attack basket and some yummy Valentine’s Mickey Mouse cookies. YUM. (Side note: upon seeing the picture below, my mom said, “If I had known you were taking a picture I would have fluffed the pillows!” Ya mom…the room was a wreck in the picture.)
We laughed and talked and laughed and snacked and laughed and passed out around 2:00 AM. We needed to get SOME rest because the morning was bringing some very special visitors….
HENRY!!!!! (and his parents!) My mom cooked a billion cinnamon rolls and we sat around and laughed and ate and laughed and talked and laughed. Here is some precious proof:
I mean…I can’t even. He’s too cute. I loved seeing Amy and Travis too! They have so many exciting things going on, so it’s always fun to catch up.
After lots of laughter they headed out, and my mom and I got ready. I remained obsessed with Maybelline’s Falsies mascara. I mean, seriously.

First we enjoyed Chipotle at Market Street. We sat outside in the breeze and reminisced about the time I slipped and ate it at the Chipotle in downtown Houston a year ago. Man, time flies. I loved laughing with her!

After we gorged on their yummy chips and guacamole, we shopped around at Francesca’s (precious accessories and clothes) and Zulee’s (overpriced crap like ceramics you can personalize and $75 candles) we wound up at my fave…MARSHALL’S HOMEGOODS. I could spend hours in there. We did. I ended up with the cutest blazer and cardigan…both on clearance! I’ll post pictures of them at some point! We finally headed home to throw on our sweats, greet my dad coming home from LA (as in Louisiana…hah), and watch Paul Blart: Mall Cop with some homemade popcorn…which included more laughter and eating and laughter.
Today, we woke up, got out of bed, dragged a comb across our head, and headed to Shipley’s…of course. I wanted to see Henry and his parents again! So…we laughed and ate donuts and laughed and watched Henry be super cute. It will probably have been my last time at Amy and Travis’s house before they move to their beautiful new place! So excited for them.
Time flew and we headed home to pack….aaaaand so my mom could cut my pants. Louis bought me some VS Pink (not actually pink…they’re grey. That’s ALWAYS confusing.) sweatpants in October for my gallbladder surgery (because I was being a baby), and they were about 3 feet too long. When I asked about the weird length, they salesgirl said, “Oh yeah. You’re supposed to cut them yourself to create your own custom length!” I translated that to, “Even though we’re charging you $50 for sweatpants, we’re too cheap to add a finished hem!” Thankfully, my mom trimmed them up, Louis and I…okay, Louis loaded up the car, and we headed on our way!
Our drive home included seeing the following (full screen it for a better view):
Not a clue. Seriously. Back in San Antonio we grabbed Chipotle (twice in two days? I know.) and ate it while watching 30 Rock because it’s hilarious (what Superbowl?). It was a great weekend, and I loved seeing my family!
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So glad you got to see me!