Welcome Hudson Kirby!


On May 15th at 12:35 PM, Hudson Kirby made his entrance into the world at 20 inches long and 7 lbs 12 oz! As you can see, he’s completely perfect in every way with a head full of dark hair and a perfect little pout.


Louis and I got the call at 7:00 AM that Amy was in labor, so we packed up at headed to Houston as fast as we could! Amy was a total champ, and the delivery was so smooth and quick…I guess Hudson knew everyone was anxious to meet him. 🙂

While Amy was in labor, Louis and I got to babysit Henry until his baby brother’s arrival. As soon as Hudson made is entrance, we (miraculously) installed Hen’s carseat in the back of my Sunfire and headed to the hospital!


I instantly fell in love with nephew #2! I think his lips were (and are) my favorite little feature on him…or his tiny fingers and toes! It’s too hard to pick! It was so precious to see Henry meeting his baby brother for the first time and seeing their complete little family. It was like Hudson filled a perfect, tiny void that no one knew was there. Now that he’s here, I can’t imagine our family without him!


Louis decided that Hudson needed a birthday cake to celebrate, so we took a cake on our 2nd visit to the hospital! After all, you only turn zero, once! 😉


Our fam obviously couldn’t pass up an opportunity to wear matching shirts to celebrate our newest member! Another special fact about Hudson is that his middle name is Kirby, which is after my dad! It’s so special that Hudson will carry on his name.


Since Hudson was born on a Thursday, we got to stay in town until Sunday night, which meant lots of time watching Henry! He is at SUCH a fun age, and he’s learning something new and changing every day! I’m pretty sure I’ve said this every month, but this is my favorite age so far. Also, I absolutely LOVE watching Louis and Henry play because Louis is basically a big kid, so they always have a blast together. It’s precious.


Sunday came way too fast, and I didn’t want to leave either of my sweet nephews! Thankfully, I’m back in town this week, so I get to love on them some more! Hudson is two and a half weeks old and he’s already changed SO much. The only thing that hasn’t changed is that he’s still as sweet, handsome, and perfect as the day he was born. I can’t wait to watch him change and grow alongside his big brother!

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  1. Soooo happy you were here for Hudson’s birth!!! He is blessed to have such an awesome aunt & uncle!!! 🙂

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