10 Motivational Movies for the New Year!

Happy New Year! Every year, most people come up with goals or resolutions they hope to accomplish throughout the year. Whatever your plans for 2017, I wanted to share some movies I find inspirational, heart-warming, or just plain enjoyable to watch. If you’re having trouble getting started with your goals, maybe these will help! Or they can just be an excuse to break one of your resolutions (you can’t watch a movie without buttery popcorn and a soda, right?)…

Without further ado, I present 10 motivational movies for 2017!


If you want to be more adventurous this year…

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 

It is impossible to watch this movie and not be struck with a desire to travel more, explore the world, or at least step out of your comfort zone. From cheering on Ben Stiller’s lovable Walter Mitty character to admiring the beautiful scenery, this movie will push you to jump off the couch and book a flight somewhere new.


If you want to be more thankful for each day this year…

About Time

I literally cannot watch this movie without crying. The premise sounds a bit silly, but this movie is anything but. Amazing acting, a phenomenal soundtrack, and moments that tug at your heart strings, means everyone will love this one. Warning: it will make you want to hug your parents ASAP.


If you’re hoping to find love this year…

When Harry Met Sally

This movie is a classic for a reason! Full of funny moments, it will remind you that almost every love story has a few twists and turns before happily ever after.


If you want to improve your culinary skills this year…


“Healthier lifestyle” resolutions mean many people will find themselves spending more time in the kitchen this year. While Chef may not showcase the healthiest foods, it’s still an enchanting movie that will leave you wanting to pull out your skillet and knives.


If you’re hoping to overcome something this year…

The King’s Speech

Unexpectedly hilarious, perfectly portrayed, and based in fact, this movie shows that even royals in the public eye have struggles they must overcome. Only an amazing film could make you feel sorry for a king.


If you want to read more this year…

Pride & Prejudice

Considering this is one of the most beautiful, romantic movies of all time, it may just nudge you to pick up the book version after you finish it. The soundtrack alone makes this one worth watching.


If you want to embrace being yourself this year…

Little Miss Sunshine

Quirky, heart-warming, and laugh-out-loud funny are all perfect to describe this one-of-a-kind movie. It’s the perfect movie to watch when you’re doubting the importance of your individuality.


If you want to be more courageous this year…

The Help

Unlikely alliances, a desire for change, and courage are the themes of this book-turned-movie. They’re themes anyone can relate to, which leaves everyone rooting for Skeeter and the maids she’s trying to give a voice to. (Full disclosure: the book, as usual, is even better than the movie!)


If you need encouragement to Keep Moving Forward this year…

Meet the Robinsons

The Disney film got lost in the shuffle somehow, and I so wish it hadn’t. We follow orphan Louis on his journey as an inventor with the dream of finding his birth mother. The eccentric characters he meets along the way teach him it’s okay to fail as long as he keeps moving forward with his goals. The ending will undoubtedly leave you crying happy tears.


If you’re hoping to start fresh this year…

Good Will Hunting

Emotional, gripping, and hopeful, the journey Matt Damon and Robin Williams take the audience on proves it’s not your past that defines you and that it’s never too late to start fresh. It may be just the push you need to start a new chapter in your life.


There you have it, ten very different movies that all offer a different source of motivation. If you have a favorite inspirational film I left out, let me know!


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  1. I haven’t seen about half of these, so I guess I need to get busy.:) I’ve always wanted to watch Little Miss Sunshine and have heard great things about it, so I’ll put that one next on my list.
    erin | sandsunandmessybuns

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