Praise the Maker! Louis and I found a super yummy snowcone stand close by us! The good/bad news is they accept credit cards, so we are ALWAYS able to get a snowcone! Think about it…the only downfall of most neighborhood snowcone stands is that they’re cash only. Not so in San Antonio, folks. They are SERIOUS. about their cones. We were at Barnes & Noble one Saturday (because we are super cool and adventurous), and we stumbled across this beauty.

This lovely establishment, The Frosty Frog is apparently in this very spot from February to November, so we have plenty of time to enjoy snowcones! On our first visit, we both enjoyed some delicious shaved ice. We tried to respect San Antonio’s roots when ordering. Louis went full on Mexican and ordered lime, and I went full on fake sports fan and ordered The Spurs Trio (for an extra $.50 might I add…).

The ice was shaved super thin, and they had just the right amount of juice on them! For $5, it was the perfect Saturday treat. So perfect in fact, that we went back the following Saturday.
This time, Louis tried Spiderman vs. Hulk (strawberry & lime) because he is a child in an adult’s body (which is one of the many reasons I love him), and I was boring and got the exact same thing again…

A fun fact about this trip to the snowcone stand is that about 15 minutes into enjoying our cones in my car we started to hear a buzzing. Apparently a bumble bee wanted to enjoy in our snowcones with us and decided to be a stowaway in Louis’s hoodie. After jumping out of the car and dropping our phones on the ground and yelling (and being seen by several bystanders), we chilled out and enjoyed the rest of our cones.
Not to have our most recent experience be an embarrassing one, we decided it was only right to go back this Saturday and enjoy The Frosty Frog again.

This time my handsome hubbs got Watermelon and Lime, but they added some weird powder to it. Apparently pouring this stuff into snowcones is the norm in San Antonio?

I finally branched out and got half Blue Raspberry and half Pineapple. I had to text my sis a pic of my snowcone and torture her a bit because she loves all things pineapple. Sorry, Ames. 🙂
Don’t worry, we’ll be taking a break from The Frosty Frog this weekend because we’re FINALLY going home Saturday for sweet Henry’s baby dedication! Hooray! Can’t wait to see my family! Oh, and remember how we were at Barnes & Noble before our first trip to The Frosty Frog? I just might have been picking up a little something for my sweet nephew…

Check back next week for an update on our wonderful weekend at home!
Now I’ve got a hankerin’ to get a snowcone😎
Hah! Go for it, Dad!!!🍧
That pineapple snowcone looked sooo delicious! I need to find an open stand around here now! We can’t wait to see y’all this weekend… Henry is ready to crawl all over Aunt Ali and Uncle Louis! 🙂
Louis and I could never find one in The Woodlands! Hope you have better luck! Can’t wait to hug handsome Henry!